Last week’s Track of the Week on The Walrus and the Carpenter Show on Rock Radio UK was A New Day by Solstice. This coming week it’s Popscape by Ozric Tentacles.

Last week’s Track of the Week on The Walrus and the Carpenter Show on Rock Radio UK was A New Day by Solstice. This coming week it’s Popscape by Ozric Tentacles.
This week’s two new additions are Reckless by Deva St. John & Split the Dealer. Check out the feature in this week’s Wokingham.Today here. Direct link to the ten track playlist which is reftreshed each week with two new tracks is at
Photo Credit : Andrew Merritt Photography
Do we really need another music blog? Well maybe not, but here it is anyway. I’m a bit of a music obsessive so thought I would use it to post my thoughts about my fave music, outlining what any of the stuff I write about means to me, so giving it a bit of a personal slant.
I like music of all genres so it could cover anything. It is likely to be music of quality musicianship, or music that moves you, or ideally both!
I’ve also been working in music on and off for many years and am currently running a few record labels, helping musicians with some of their activities, helping to run a music festival, writing for the local paper and appearing on a radio show so I will share info on some of that too. So if you’ve read this far, many thanks for the interest!